viernes, 11 de agosto de 2023


Here you can see the book trailer of "Living someone else's life". 

In her novel LIVING SOMEONE ELSE’S LIFE, the Cuban American writer Miriam De La Vega tells us the story of a man who wakes up from a coma in which he has remained for some time, does not recognize anything around him, does not understand what happened. The last memories that come to his mind cause him a lot of pain and a desire for revenge. Over time, he will untangle the skein, each piece will fit for him and put together the puzzle, but what he discovers will diametrically change his life, and then he will understand that he will have to learn to live someone else's life.


The English version of my novel "VIVIENDO UNA VIDA AJENA", is already available on Amazon. The title of this new version is "LIVING SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE". It can be purchased in physical and electronic format.

The novel tells the story of a man who wakes up from a coma in which he has remained for some time, does not recognize anything around him, does not understand what happened. The last memories that come to his mind cause him a lot of pain and a desire for revenge. Over time, he will untangle the skein, each piece will fit for him and put together the puzzle, but what he discovers will diametrically change his life, and then he will understand that he will have to learn to live someone else's life.

Living someone else's life

POEMA A LA AUSENCIA (Poema de Autor Desconocido)


No tengo jabón de baño, 

 Y tampoco de lavar

 No tengo pasta dental, 

 Se me acabó el detergente. 

 No tengo champú, ni aceite, 

 Ni pollo, ni picadillo, 

 Y con sal en el cepillo, 

 Le saco brillo a mis dientes. 

 Mi inodoro, que no miente, 

 Te dirá que no hay papel, 

 Mi pelo vive sin gel, 

 Abandonado a su suerte. 

 El desodorante, ausente, 

 Se ha marchado de mi vida, 

 Y mis sobacos traspiran, 

 Un grajo de ¡Patria o Muerte! 

 El arroz cual fuego ardiente, 

 Me quema la billetera, 

 Y en toda la Isla entera, 

 No encuentro carne de puerco. 

 Cómo no tengo familia, 

 Gusana ni disidente, 

 El dólar no está presente, 

 En mi pobre economía. 

 Sembraré con osadía, 

 Una piña en mi terraza, 

 Y obtendré una calabaza, 

 En menos de 4 días. 

 Como cubano de a pie, 

 Sin dólares ni remesas, 

 Exprimiré mi cabeza, 

 Para seguir resolviendo. 

 Trataré de estar contento, 

 Esbozando una sonrisa, 

 Voy a entrarle, sin Divisas, 

 Con buena cara, al mal tiempo, 

 Ya nos llegará el momento, 

 Y pediré a Dios que impida, 

 Que perdamos la Esperanza, 

 De encontrar una salida. 

Autor desconocido

(Créditos al autor)